Saturday, June 11, 2011

All Good Things Must Come to an End...

I have sat in my first classroom for the last time...and yes, I cried! 

The school year has come to an end and I survived.  I loved every single moment of and learned more than I ever could in a college textbook.  It was extremely hard to say good-bye to my students- but it makes it all a little easier realizing that I have a connection with these kids thru the girls I nanny.  I've taken my class pictures (and tried to print them, but I broke WalMart's machine!) and my box is full of memories.  I definitely cried when some of them came to say good-bye or hugged me.

Here's the problem though, well...there are a couple! 

Problem 1) All of my classroom stuff (books, notebooks, supplies) have to now be stored in my bedroom.  Let me tell you there is a lot of stuff!!!  My bedroom is currently being utilized as a classroom right now and I'm not a fan of it.  The OCD in me is freaking out.  I also have to put a lot of my books in tupperware until I actually have a real classroom- at which time I will have a fully stocked library with the addition of a couple more popular titles.

Problem 2) I don't have a job now- and my student loans are gonna need paid....soon!  Now I have to look for a job and the need isn't exactly there because of the economy (or some other excuse).  I've got a couple leads and of course everyone's keeping their eyes and ears open too.

And here's my teacher's tip to parents: 
When I give you my cellphone number for emergencies during a field trip, don't give it to your child so they can call me and ask for a band-aid!!!  If it was an emergency, you should've called from your cellphone!!!!!  Now they have my cellphone number....AWESOME, just awesome.  You get an "F" for parenting in my book.

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