Saturday, June 11, 2011

All Good Things Must Come to an End...

I have sat in my first classroom for the last time...and yes, I cried! 

The school year has come to an end and I survived.  I loved every single moment of and learned more than I ever could in a college textbook.  It was extremely hard to say good-bye to my students- but it makes it all a little easier realizing that I have a connection with these kids thru the girls I nanny.  I've taken my class pictures (and tried to print them, but I broke WalMart's machine!) and my box is full of memories.  I definitely cried when some of them came to say good-bye or hugged me.

Here's the problem though, well...there are a couple! 

Problem 1) All of my classroom stuff (books, notebooks, supplies) have to now be stored in my bedroom.  Let me tell you there is a lot of stuff!!!  My bedroom is currently being utilized as a classroom right now and I'm not a fan of it.  The OCD in me is freaking out.  I also have to put a lot of my books in tupperware until I actually have a real classroom- at which time I will have a fully stocked library with the addition of a couple more popular titles.

Problem 2) I don't have a job now- and my student loans are gonna need paid....soon!  Now I have to look for a job and the need isn't exactly there because of the economy (or some other excuse).  I've got a couple leads and of course everyone's keeping their eyes and ears open too.

And here's my teacher's tip to parents: 
When I give you my cellphone number for emergencies during a field trip, don't give it to your child so they can call me and ask for a band-aid!!!  If it was an emergency, you should've called from your cellphone!!!!!  Now they have my cellphone number....AWESOME, just awesome.  You get an "F" for parenting in my book.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Final Countdown...

The song goes thru my head every time I say it- however, I've never seen the movie! 

We're looking at five days left- FIVE!  Two weeks ago, I would've said I was sad to see it come and I still am...but at the same time I am so ready.