Monday, July 28, 2014

Moving on up to 4th grade...

I'm moving down in grades, but moving up in the building.  I've been working in my classroom for two days- and today was pretty much the first day I really did anything substantial...and yet I still did nothing.

Tomorrow the carpet cleaners are coming, let me rewind.

Last year, after I found out I accepted the 4th grade position at the end of the year, the janitor and I moved everything upstairs (sans elevator).  It was the last day and in my head (and his) I was hearing Zac Efron say "summer, summer, summer". We managed to get everything upstairs, but the teacher leaving had yet to pack up and close the room- so everything was massed around the teacher's desk.  And there it stayed until today!

Everything you see in those closets spent the summer around that desk....everything!!!

My windows, which face west, so hopefully I will have a nice breeze this year!  Last year I was on the east side of the building and it was "Hot in Cleveland".

I need something to go above my boards since our ceilings are so high.  I may move the ABCs up there, but I need more.

I put everything in the light brown (beige) cabinet so I'm getting rid of the other one.  I want to try to have a file for reading (4/5), science, and social studies.  My final drawer will have construction and writing paper in it....I think.

We had these last year in the middle school instead of lockers.  They are called cubbies...cause cubbies are cool in middle school ;) .  However, this year my students don't use them and they are just storing books over the summer.

So here's what I am thinking....

I can't exactly paint (we got new carpet, and I am on the 2nd floor).  I was thinking of flipping it on it's side (five across).

Still follow?

And placing it here, where the bookcases are (below).

However, what do I put in it?  

I was contemplating putting the leveled readers in there, or science materials, or classroom/table supplies.


These ugly things, they are the mailboxes, and my boyfriend is going to have to cut five pieces of wood for me to use them as mailboxes.  Also, not excited about the crazy color combo, doesn't work with my "CandyLand" theme. Maybe black paper where it is ivory?!  

That closet is full of every math manipulative known to man....and I'm not teaching math.  I have to flip it with the new 5th grade teacher...who has all the reading stuff.  

That shelf, also full of every math game known to man, and maybe some for indoor recess.  I'm getting rid of the shelf and games.

This corner will become my library.  Not sure if I want one or two closets utilized- one will have a shelf, another possibly a reading nook?  I also will put the two bookshelves here as well, walling off the area but still giving me line of sight to my students.  I want to add fun pillows too and cover the back of the bookshelves since you can see them still.  I found green and yellow Fadeless, so I need some borders for them.

The other closet, first in the photo, has no doors.  Luckily, when I lived with my sister we had a bright blue shower curtain and I saved it (and saw it in my storage locker).  I'm going to buy a tension rod and may store my recess games here.  

I also have two more closets, there are five total on the wall, which will be for storing bookbags, coats and lunch bags- one boys, one girls.  On the outside of the doors I will have my word wall.

Got some stools for the computers, and spray painted them too!

Side note:  anyone interested in this HUGE stuffed animal?!  Anyone?!

1 comment:

  1. You will love 4th grade! I have taught pre-k, 2nd and 5th and 4th is my favorite! We have cubbies also and the students keep their Good-fit book bins in them. :)
